A baby’s skin is delicate, tender, and sensitive. The skin of an infant is still developing. The epidermis of a baby’s skin is one-third the thickness of adult skin. Hence, dirt and bacteria can easily penetrate through the immature barrier of a baby’s skin.

The sweat glands of an infant are less effective, which means that the baby’s skin absorbs and loses moisture easily. Due to this, the function of temperature regulation of a baby’s body is less when compared to that of an adult. Sebum and Melanin are also produced less in a baby’s skin. All this means that the baby’s skin calls for more attention and care.

The water-handling properties of infant skin are unique and distinct from adult skin. Neonatal skin after birth is considerably drier compared with that of adults. However, during the first month of life, the difference in stratum corneum (SC) hydration between infants and adults is reversed, leading to increased skin hydration in older infants (aged 3–24 months) relative to adult skin. As skin becomes more hydrated, the SC that is initially rough smoothens. Although more hydrated, the infant’s skin loses water at higher rates than the adult skin.

Your baby’s skin

Neonatal skin after birth is considerably drier compared with that of adults

Dermikelp® Acute Soothing Cream and Dermikelp® Acute Soothing Lotion,
are specially formulated to bring relief to your baby’s irritated skin.

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